dinsdag 9 januari 2018

Jinns, Freemasons and Magic

Jinns, Freemasons & Magic

In the time of Rasoolallah SAWS and until now, a lot of things has been attributed to saydna Sulayman AS, which are untrue. One of which is magic. There is some of al yahood, the Jews, who attribute magic to saydna Sulayman. And the whole story of the Temple also is attributed to saydna Sulayman AS. For example, the Jews or the People of the Book they associate Sulayman AS with someone called Asmodeus, and this Asmodeus was the chief of the devils. And they associate him with Sulayman AS and they say that this chief of the devils was the one who assisted Sulayman AS in building and constructing, and he is the one who used to tutor and teach Sulayman magic, and to teach him many of the skills that  they say Sulayman AS had. And you would find that many cults and movements, they attach themselves to Sulayman. Many of these secret orders, they claim that they go back to Sulayman. And the most famous of them is the Masonic movement. Al Masonya, the Freemasons. You would find that the concept of the Temple, the Temple of Solomon, is something that is central or it is very influential on the ideology of the freemasons. Also a movement like the Kabala and some of these other mystical Jewish cults, they practice magic which they claim they have learned from Sulayman and it goes back, they claim that the lineage goes back to Sulayman. Now that is, there is some truth that there is magic that goes back in lineage to some very early Jews, but it does not go back to saydna Sulayman AS. It all goes back to where? Where did the Jews learn this magic? That some of which it still exist until now, and it’s very powerful magic. We’re not talking about tricks, where you hide a coin and you bring it out from somewhere or you bring something out of a hat. We’re not talking about those tricks which they fool the kids with. We’re talking about some serious magic that could do some serious harm. Where was that learned from? We know that Fir’awn, in the time of Fir’awn there was some magic, but Allahu alem, even though it was very powerful magic, but it was limited to the field of optical illusion. Because Allah SAWT says: ‘Wa sahru ‘ayn an nas’, they have committed magic to the eyes of people. But we’re talking about some other kind of magic that could influence the psychology and the spirit of people. Where was that learned? In Babel. And how did they get it from Babel? We know from the history that the kingdom of the Jews was destroyed by who? Nebukhadnasr. The Babylonian kingdom they defeated the Jews in the Holy Land, and they broke up their kingdom. Not only that, they took them as slaves back to Iraq in Babel, in Babylon. They took them back to Babel. And the Jews were cut off from the true religion of Allah SWT. They were cut off from the scripture for quite a while. And they were under the influence and the dictatorship and the oppression and the tyranny of the Babylonians. And that is where a lot of the distortion that happened to the religion of the Jews, that is where it occurred, in Babel. Where was the Talmud written? And who wrote it? It was written by the seventy rabbis who were in Babylon. And now that is the central law and the central focus of the yahood now, they have left the Tawrah and they are following the Talmud, and the Talmud was written by the rabbis who were influenced by the regime and the environment in Babylon. So if you read about this history, you’ll find that Babylon is associated to it all. The Talmud came out of there, and magic. And these secret orders, they came from Babylon, rather than from saydna Sulayman, even though they attributed it to Sulayman. Now the issue of the temple. This temple of Sulayman is a myth. There is no such thing called the temple of Sulayman. The one who built the masjid was who? Ya‘qoob AS. By the hadith of the Rasool SAWS, when Abu Dharr came to the Prophet and asked: ‘What was the first house established for the worship of Allah?’ Rasool Allah SAWS said: ‘The Masjid al Haram.’ Al Ka‘ba. And then he said: ‘And then what?’ Rasool Allah SAWS said: ‘Al masjid Al Aqsa, wa baynahum 40 ‘aama.’ Then the masjid of Al Aqsa, Jerusalem, and between them was fourty years. Fourty years is the time between Ibrahim and Ya‘qoob AS. So Ya‘qoob is one of those messengers, or established it. What was the role of Sulayman AS? He is the one who expanded the masjid and built it in its great form. Saidna Sulayman is the one who erected the masjid and expanded it during his kingdom. It was not a temple, it was a masjid. It was established for the worship of Allah SWT. It’s a masjid, a mosque. So this myth of the temple of Sulayman and all of this mythology that is attached to it and superstition, and power, it’s unreal. There was a masjid. Now let’s read from Surat Al Baqarah ayah 101. Allah SWT says: ‘And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah, (came to who? To the Jews) confirming what was sent to them, a party of the People of the Book threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know.’ So they threw away the Book of Allah. When Rasool Allah SAWS came, because they didn’t want to follow him, and what did they follow? (Verse 102): ‘And they followed what the devils gave out in the lifetime of Sulayman.’ That’s what it is talking about. The devils were teaching the people magic. As-shayateen, the devils were teaching the people magic, before the time of Sulayman and during the kingdom of Sulayman. As-Suddi he says in the tafseer of this ayah, he says that Sulayman came to know that the devils are teaching the people magic. They gathered all of their manuals and all of their books. He took them away from the devils and from the people, because the people used to record what they learned from the devils. Sulayman took away all of those manuals and books, and he made a law that whoever learns magic or practices magic or teaches magic will be executed. And he took away all these books and manuals and he buried them as the story goes, under his throne. He buried them. He got rid of them. And he made a law in his time, that nobody should learn, or teach or practice magic. This is from the shayateen. What happened is when Sulayman passed away, a shaytaan Iblees came to the people in the form of a human being and he said: ‘Do you know where Sulayman used to get his power from? The devils are the ones that used to teach him. And I’ll show you the proof. Go and dig under his throne and see what you will find.’ They dug under the throne and found the books of magic. So they made a rumor and they said that Sulayman, this is how he used to control the jinn, and this is how he achieved all this power, through magic. That’s how they propagated this false rumor against saydna Sulayman. So Allah SWT responds to this claim and says: (ayah 102) ‘Sulayman has not committed kufr (unbelief). This part of the ayah tells us two things. First of all it tells us that Sulayman did not commit disbelief, and it tells us that sihr (magic), what is it considered? It’s considered to be kufr. It’s considered to be disbelief. So Allah says that Sulayman did not commit disbelief. This magic came not from him, because this magic is disbelief, and Sulayman did not disbelief. ‘But the devils are the ones who disbelieved, teaching men magic.’ Who are the ones teaching magic? The devils. ‘And what was revealed to the two angels.’ And we will get to this in sha Allah. Now, in Qur’an Allah SWT rarely mentions places, unless there is a reason for mentioning a locality or a place. The Book of Allah is a Book of guidance. So you don’t find a lot of dates and numbers, chronological order of events, and places like you would find in the Old Testament or the New Testament. Allah SWT says: ‘And what was revealed to the two angels’, where? In Babel. Allah SWT mentions the place over here in the ayah. And Allahu alem, the reason is because all of this magic or the secret orders or distorted teachings came out of Babel and we know that through history, and Allah SWT wants to record that in Qur’an so that we would learn where the source of all of this came from. It came from Babel. Because without reading Qur’an, by just reading the history and books that deal with this, you wouldn’t be able to see the association with Babel. So when you read this in the Qur’an it is an amazing thing, to see how Allah SWT ties this into Babel and then that gives us a complete picture of what happened. Because you could do readings, the secular reading on one side and history on what was happening. And then when you read Qur’an it would put everything in perspective for you, because Allah SWT says: ‘What was revealed to the angels in Babel, Harut and Marut.’ Harut and Marut, the mufassireen have a few opinions, and they can be contradictory to each other. I will mention one that was mentioned by a few of the mufassireen and it seems to fit the ayah most, and that is that Harut and Marut were two angels who descended to Babel and they were teaching people magic, these two angels were teaching people magic. And they were doing it with the permission of Allah SWT, by the will of Allah. I’ll read the ayah and then we elaborate on this a little bit. Allah SWT says: ‘But the devils disbelieved, teaching men magic, and such things that came down at Babylon, to the two angels Harut and Marut. But neither of these two angels taught anyone such things until they said: ‘We are only for a trial, so disbelief not.’ These two angels descended to Babel and they knew about magic, they knew this knowledge of magic, and people would come to them to learn. The angels would tell them: ‘this knowledge that we are offering is kufr, so do not learn it, because this is fitnah.’ Allah SWT wanted this to be a test. Knowledge that is offered to you, but you shouldn’t learn it. That’s what it is about. It is a test from Allah SWT. Here is knowledge you’re not supposed to learn. And this is knowledge that will make you disbelief in Allah SWT. And it’s offered, this is the address if you want to go and learn it. But the angels will not offer it to anyone until they would tell them: ‘this is a fitnah, so do not disbelief.’ The other story is that is mentioned in the books of tafseer is that the two angels, the test was actually for them, they say that these two angels said: ‘How come that these people are sinning?’ So Allah SWT sent them down to earth and Allah put them in the shahawaat of the human being, the desires of the human being. And when Allah put in them the desires of a human being they committed sins and they started practicing magic, but this seems not to make sense, because we know that the angels do not disobey the orders of Allah and they do as Allah has ordered them. It doesn’t seem to make sense, especially there is no evidence to support it. If we would go with the literal meaning of the ayah it would mean that these are two angels who came down with the permission of Allah to test the people. And to offer them something that is kufr, and they should not learn it. This knowledge was learned by a faction of al yahood, the Jews, and it has been inherited from generation to generation through secret orders and part of that magic still exists until now. Allah SWT has told us one effect of such type of magic. Allah SWT says: ‘They learned from these angels what could cause separation between a man and his wife.’ This is the kind of magic, it’s a magic spell that is cast on the husband or the wife, and it would cause hatred in the heart of the husband or the wife and it would make it unbearable and eventually it would cause divorce, separation. And this exists and I personally happen to know a few cases, firsthand knowledge of some cases where this happened. It is true that this exists, but also it is true that many people take it out of context and whenever there’s a problem between a husband and wife they hang it on the magic, they say there’s magic between them, and that’s not true. There are a few cases, and we should not always say that there is magic between them when there’s a problem, no. Sometimes it’s magic and sometimes it’s incompatibility between persons. But this kind of magic is not only limited to putting these differences between husband and wife, it can cause some other harm. And the way it’s done, they have to have a part of your body. A hair, a nail, with the assistance of the jinn they wrap it in what is called ‘oqdah and they will wrap it with that part of your body in it, and that is what would cause this problem or magic to take effect. And they would throw it somewhere. And when this type of magic was done on RasoolAllah SAWS according to authentic ahadeeth, one of the yahood had done a magic spell on RasoolAllah SAWS, he threw it in a well. So RasoolAllah SAWS was suffering from that magic, Jibreel AS came to RasoolAllah SAWS and said that it is in that well, so they would retrieve it out of that well and they opened it up and the magic was released. So that ‘oqdah, ‘oqdah means knot, that knot has to be released for the magic to be released. Sometimes they throw it in the ocean. Or they bury it in the desert. That’s how difficult it could be. But because this seems to be a power that is in the hands of the magician, and it seems to be supernatural abilities. Allah SWT is telling us ‘And they would not harm anyone except by Allah’s leave.’ So Allah is telling us that this is not power in the hands of the magicians that Allah is not able to control. Allah is telling us that everything that is happening is by His mashya, by His will. And for us this is a test. Because we need to read the mu‘auwidhat, we need to read ayat al Kursi and we need to read that what will save us from such things. So it is just like any other disease that exists. Allah SWT has created a daa, and Allah created ad-dawaa. Allah SWT created the illness and Allah SWT created the cure. RasoolAllah SAWS said every illness Allah SWT has created a cure for. So there’s a cure for cancer, there’s a cure for AIDS, there’s a cure for everything. Some people will know it and some people won’t. It’s knowledge that needs to be investigated. This is a disease or an illness, this issue of magic, and there’s a cure for it, and the cure is qul a‘oodhu bi rab al falaq, qul a‘oodhu bi rab an nas and the other types of isti‘aadha that RasoolAllah SAWS would do and ayat al Kursi. And that’s why we need to always practice repeating these edd‘eya. Allah SWT says: ‘The magician would think that by learning this knowledge, they could benefit.’ The person that goes to the magician thinks that the magician could benefit them. And Allah SWT says: ‘And they learn what harms them and profits them not.’ So Allah SWT tells us that magic is purely harm and there’s no benefit in it whatsoever. And when Ibn Taymiyyah talks about the suffering and the misery that magicians go through when they follow this path, you would be amazed. Don’t think that the devil teach them this knowledge for free. They pay for it. And they pay for it in the worst ways. And when Ibn Taymiyyah talks about the rituals the magicians go through before they are accepted in the ranks of the magicians, it are things that make the hair on your body stand. They will make them drink menstrual blood. They will make them eat frogs and snakes and insects. They will make them write ayat of Qur’an with blood and step over it. They would clean theirselves with pages of Qur’an (wipe their butt with it), they will make sujood to the devils (kneel for them), they will make them make sujood to idols. These are rituals that magicians have to go through, before they get the assistance of the jinn. They do not offer their services for free. Jinn do not offer their services for free. The right way to heal is by reading Qur’an, by shuyookh who read Qur’an, because that is a valid way, because feeh shifa. Allah SWT says in Qur’an is healing. Allah ST says: ‘And indeed, they knew that the buyers of the magic would have no share in the Hereafter, and how bad indeed is that for which they sold their own selves.’ Because the magician sells himself. If they but knew, and if they had believed and guarded themselves from evil and kept their duty to Allah, far better would have been the reward from their Lord, if they but knew.’ So from these ayat, the Sahaba RA, and also from the hadith of RasoolAllah, the Sahaba they reached the conclusion that magic is an act that takes a person out of the fold of Islam. And that is why ‘Umar ibn Al Khattab RA he sent out a message to the Islamic States: ‘Kill any magician’, and one of the Sahaba said, we found three magicians and they executed them. So the scholars say, this is the hadd of the magicians, execution, because of the, Wallahi if you know stories, of how magicians harm people, you’d say this is a little punishment for them. They have destroyed, they have broken households and they have caused harm. The amazing thing that nowadays this particular type of knowledge where is it most widespread? In the Muslim world. It does exist everywhere else, but it is quite widespread in the Muslim world. And obviously the reason is: the work of shaytaan. That is where he wants to break up families because we know from the hadith of RasoolAllah SAWS that shaytaan sets his thrown on water, and then the devils come and report to him, and everyone brings in a report and shaytaan tells them: ‘sit down, sit down’, and then eventually one would come and say: ‘I have good news for you. I did not leave the husband and wife until I separated them.’ Shaytaan would say: ‘You are the one. Come and sit next to me.’ Breaking up a family is the work of shaytaan and that is why shaytaan tries to cause all this fitan (trials) amongst Muslims in general. Allah SWT says: ‘Tell My servants, the Muslims, to say a good word.’ Why? Because shaytaan tries to plant disunity among them. So one of the solutions to conquer that is to say a good word. Because our words are weapons in the hands of shaytaan. He takes that word and he makes ‘soo edhdhan’ in the heart of the other person (bad suspicion) and that sparks, usually sparks problems in the hearts. Allah SWT says, tell My servants to say a good word. If we would just monitor our words, our problems would be solved. Allah SWT has fulfilled his du‘a (Sulayman’s du‘a) when he said: ‘Oh Allah, give me a kingdom that will occur to no one have after me. Allah SWT gave him a unique kingdom, and part of the uniqueness of the kingdom of Sulayman was that he had control over the shayateen. And Sulayman AS would put the shayateen under slave labor. They would work for him in what Allah SWT called to work and serve him. And he would command them to do very difficult tasks. This is what Allah SWT has given to Sulayman as an ability to do. So as a service to Sulayman and at the same time as a punishment for the shayateen. They had to do this slave labor for him. But al yahood, they accused saydna Sulayman of being influenced by the shayateen and being controlled by the shayateen, and saydna Sulayman, he had this control over al jinn. Saydna Sulayman AS, when he passed away, the jinn continued working for him, even though he was already dead. Because he was leaning on his cane, and he was dead. But the shayateen thought he was still alive, even though he already had passed away. And termites were eating from his cane, from the inside, and the cane was going hollow. But he was still supported by his cane, sitting on his throne. Then the termites kept on drilling through the cane, and the cane broke down, then Sulayman AS fell down. Only then did the jinn and shayateen realize that saydna Sulayman was dead, but before that they continued serving him and going through that slave labor, because they were still seeing saydna Sulayman on his ‘arsh, his throne. And Allah SWT has mentioned this in the Qur’an, to refute the claims of al yahood that saydna Sulayman was controlled by jinn. Allah SWT says: ‘Then when we decreed death for him, (Sulayman), nothing informed them, (the jinn), of his death, except a little worm of the earth which kept slowly gnawing away at his stick. So when he fell down, the jinn saw clearly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have stayed in the humiliating torment. This ayah is first of all a response to the claim that the jinn were influencing saydna Sulayman, and number two, it responds to the claim that al jinn know al ghayb (the unseen). The jinn do not know the ghayb. And al kahna, and the sahara, the magicians and the fortunetellers, they depend on the jinn. And they claim that the jinn knows the future. And when they connect with the jinn we can know and tell what will happen in the future. But Allah SWT says the jinn, if they knew al ghayb, they wouldn’t have remained in this punishment. Because it was a kind of test that Sulayman was putting them through with the form of punishment and humiliation for the shayateen and the jinn. And they kept on doing it even though saydna Sulayman was already dead. And this is the proof that al jinn and the shayateen they do not know al ghayb. They do not know the unseen. The jinn, they do not have any knowledge whatsoever about the unseen except what they steal from the conversations when they eavesdrop on the angels, that’s the only information that they have, and they mix one piece of truth with 99 lies. Saydna Sulayman AS when he passed away, the jinn realized they had been working overtime. And they know he was the only human being who had control over them. So as soon as Sulayman passed away they went to their normal jobs of the pre-Sulaymanic era, and that is to deviate people. Saydna Sulayman AS did not have control over all of the jinn and shayateen. Allah SWT put under his control some of al jinn and ash-shayateen. This is the story of saydna Sulayman AS. 

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